Sparrow Counseling

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Finding a Teen Therapist in Birmingham, AL

There may have been a time when Birmingham, AL had a bad reputation, but that has been changing in recent years. With a thriving job market, low cost of living compared to other areas in the United States, and an ever growing food and entertainment scene, Birmingham is rapidly growing. According to U.S. News, Birmingham, AL is now in the top 100 of the best places to live. However, just because Birmingham is recognized as a great city to live, it doesn’t mean life is without obstacles, especially for teenagers trying to navigate daily struggles, transitions, and even having more freedom to experience being out in the city without their parents. We know that parents often find themselves realizing their teen needs support, but aren’t sure where to turn. If you are looking for a teen therapist - We’d like to help you find someone who can help your teen.

We want to help you find a teen therapist in Birmingham, AL

At Sparrow Counseling, we understand that sometimes parents feel like they aren’t connecting with their teen anymore. We also understand that teens sometimes feel like they are not being heard or understood by their parents. We want to give your teen a safe place to connect, dump their anxiety and anger and give them safe, practical ways to feel their emotions. We want to help your family reconnect and provide a safe place for your teen and family to communicate with each other.

Here are 3 reasons why seeing a teen therapist can help:

  1. We have no agenda but to help your teen feel safe and secure in their feelings and emotions. Parents, family members and best friends may not be willing, or know how, to say the things that really need to be said. They have their own biases that can prevent them from seeing a situation clearly.

  2. Counseling can help teens with not only their self-awareness but how to understand and articulate what they are feeling. This allows them to communicate more effectively with parents, family, and friends.

  3. Sometimes a fresh voice, like a therapist, can share a technique or idea that can improve communication between teens and their parents. We believe that counseling can help your teen provide you with a road map on how to help them in their most difficult times.Often these “techniques” are backed by research because as counselors we love researching and reading how to help teens work through their challenges!

A free teen therapy consultation in Birmingham, AL

At Sparrow Counseling, we want teens to find their strengths and talk through difficult transitions.  We want to help teens have those hard conversations that they keep avoiding because they do not think they will be heard.  We want to help teens become more self-confident in their daily lives.  Therapists have the training and experience to look at your teen’s issues and help them figure out how to articulate their needs to their parents, family, and friends.


We hope you find the right teen therapist for your teen in Birmingham, AL.  If you are feeling stuck, feel free to call Sparrow Counseling at 205-538-3978 for a free 15-minute consultation.  We would be happy to hear about what is happening and help find the right teen therapist for you. 


For more information on finding the right teen therapist visit our blogs:

Questions to Ask a Prospective Teen Therapist

What to Expect from Teen Therapy

Common Questions about Teen Therapy