My Child Wants to See a Therapist in Birmingham, AL

Now What?

photo of female counselor and teen boy. Does your child want to see a therapist in Birmingham, AL? Sparrow Counseling has experienced teen counselors available immediately.

Being a parent is hard under the best of circumstances. Parents often find themselves consumed with the happiness and well-being of their children, however thanklessly. When your child is struggling and seeks therapy, it can be an overwhelming, emotional, and intimidating process. For this reason, it’s vital to understand that supporting your child in their pursuit of improved mental and emotional health is ‘good’ parenting.

Why Can’t They Just Talk to Me?

In my experience, children seek therapy for a variety of reasons. Adolescents are often looking for help with academic pressure, peer relationships, body image, and emotion regulation. Teens are most interested in discussing self-esteem, cultural stressors, life changes, and coping skills. As the old saying goes, “you never stop being a parent”, so let’s not forget about our college-aged children who are experiencing probably the biggest transition of their lives in addition to the many stressors associated with graduating from childhood into adulthood.

5 Tips for Supporting Your Child in Therapy

At Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL, we utilize age-appropriate therapeutic tools to create an environment of empathy, safety, respect, consistency, and validation with our kids but, we can’t do it alone. Here’s some tips on how you can support your child in their therapeutic journey.

  1. Keep an Open Mind and Open Door

    The most positive thing you can do as a parent is create your own safe space for open, non-judgmental communication. Sometimes parents have to listen to things they don’t want to hear, like the gossip/drama of the day, so that their children will still come to them for the things they need to hear, like “my friend just started vaping and I think I want to try it”. Seek pressure-free opportunities for your child to share their experiences and practice being a good listener. “What interests you about vaping?”

  2. Model Respect

    Respect their sense of self, individuality, words, journey, and privacy. These are life lessons your children will utilize again and again. Even a child who is being openly disrespectful of their parent by raising their voice, being aggressive and/or using abusive language is worthy of respect. Effective parents can model respect by remaining calm, validating their child’s feelings, and setting appropriate boundaries. That might look something like this: “I can see that you’re upset, and I want to hear what you have to say but you can’t speak to me like that. Let’s take a break and come back to this conversation after you’ve had some time to cool off and gather your thoughts.”

  3. Get Educated

    Help your child find the right therapist who has experience addressing your child’s specific needs. You can build a community around your child by continuously seeking resources like listening to podcasts, reading books, seeking professional recommendations, and engaging with other parents who share similar values. 

  4. Be Patient and Non-Intrusive

    It is crucial for the therapeutic relationship that your child knows they can trust their therapist to protect their confidentiality. Although there are limits to this, self-harm, hurting someone or someone else’s hurting them, apart of that bond includes helping children learn how to have difficult conversations when they need support. Still, you may be curious about your child’s experiences or progress, however, it’s important not to pressure your child to share what goes on in therapy until they are ready. This is often a tall ask for parents, but it is the best way to encourage your child to openly communicate in the future.  

  5. Offer Encouragement and Emotional Support

    Continuously communicate your support of your child’s efforts. Encouraging words validate and motivate your child to keep trying, especially as they run into speedbumps along the way. “It’s not always easy opening up and facing your challenges. We believe in you!”

Interested in Talking to a Therapist in Birmingham, AL?

If your child is struggling, there’s no better time than right now to make your move. At Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL, we have trained, experienced therapists who create a fun and safe therapeutic environment that is tailored to your unique child. We want to meet your child and help empower them to explore their icks and get back to enjoying being a kid! To get started follow these three simple steps:

  1. Reach out to Sparrow Counseling for a free 15-minute consultation.

  2. Be matched with a caring, experienced therapist.

  3. Begin your healing journey with support.

Other Services Offered at Sparrow Counseling

At Sparrow Counseling we offer in-person and online therapy in the state of Alabama. In addition to teen counseling, our team specializes in grief, and loss counseling, anxiety therapy, co-parenting counseling, reunification therapy, blended family counseling, divorce & family mediation, discernment counseling, and more in Birmingham, Alabama. Learn more by checking out our FAQs and Blog!