Dear College Freshman....from your Therapist

Dear College Freshman,

college student with backpack pushing open glass door to go outside

So much has changed recently and as summer comes to an end even more change is yet to come. 

For some, this may be super exciting- Perhaps you thrive on change and cannot wait for the next big thing. You’re probably counting down the days until you move onto your next chapter. For others- Maybe you don’t love change and although you feel like you should be excited, you can’t help but feel an extreme sense of fear and anxiety towards the uncertainty that lies ahead. Then there are others that find themselves somewhere in between- Perhaps you aren’t sure what you are thinking and feeling. You are both excited yet terrified, at peace yet anxious, happy yet sad. 

Whichever place you find yourself in, your feelings are valid. It is important to recognize this and allow yourself to feel whatever is going on within you during this major transition, even if it looks different from your friends and their feelings towards the coming months. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings without judgment or shame. The skill of practicing the permission to feel will promote self-awareness, acceptance, and overall health, specifically mental, emotional, and relational health.

Furthermore, these next four years are extremely formative; forming and establishing the habits, skills, and priorities of the person that you will cultivate and become. With this in mind, spend time reflecting on the following questions: 

young woman studying in library

What do you want that person to look like? What does their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational health look like? Do they prioritize these things? If so, why and how? What are their habits? Their goals? What characteristics do people use to describe them? How do others feel after interacting with them?  

As discussed, lately there has been so much change, and there is even more to come. Aside from what is going on around you, what changes are you wanting to see in yourself in the coming months? In what areas are you hoping to grow? Reflect on your answers from the reflection questions listed above. What habits can you form or skills can you work towards in order for you to reach these goals?

If you are looking for a therapist to help you answer these questions, or support you in your college transition, in Birmingham, AL, click here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Services Offered at Sparrow Counseling

At Sparrow Counseling we offer in-person and online therapy in the state of Alabama. Our team specializes in anxiety counseling, grief, and loss counseling, individual counseling, co-parenting counseling, reunification therapy, blended family counseling, divorce & family mediation, discernment counseling, and more in Birmingham, Alabama. Learn more by checking out our FAQs and Blog!